Aspen Media

How To Collect Business Leads - 5 Must-Know Tips

Most businesses struggle with sourcing leads at one point or another. If yours is one of them, don’t feel discouraged. Even if you build your ideal customer profile, it may not be enough, especially if you’ve been holding on to the same old strategy for years. 

Thankfully, with enough patience and perseverance, it’s possible to learn how to collect business leads and finally get your business to grow.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is an overarching term for different strategies used for attracting new customers. It consists of drawing traffic to your website, followed by convincing users to leave their contact details, after which you can start nurturing them and nudging them toward the bottom of your sales funnel.

Although sourcing leads en masse may seem like the way to go, it’s actually better to focus on quality by attracting qualified leads. Allow us to demonstrate:

A highly-targeted campaign may end up generating 40 leads with ten of those making a purchase. Compare that to the situation in which you generate over 2000 leads but only two end up becoming customers.

The former approach is clearly a better use of time and resources, which is why you should focus primarily on how to collect business leads that are qualified. 

Techniques you can use to collect more qualified leads

With lead generation, nothing is set in stone as what might work for one industry might not work for the other. Still, by using the following techniques, you’ll make the step toward figuring out how to collect business leads the right way:

1. Improve the quality of your landing page

Landing pages are one of the most (if not the most) important components of your entire lead generation operation. You know the gist - your landing page needs to offer something of value if you want the visitor to provide you with their contact information. 

So what do you do if your landing pages are falling flat?

First, look at the copy on the page - it should be short, engaging, and to the point. Instead of ranting on about the features your SaaS solution offers, focus on how it can benefit the user and demonstrate ways in which they can use it to solve an existing problem. 

A similar thing applies to the headline, which should be short and catchy. After all, the headline can make or break your landing page as many users will decide whether they’ll read the content on the page by looking at it.

Lastly, make the page itself as simple as possible. Remove all distractions such as navigation bars or external links. That way, you limit the actions the users can take on the landing page, and they’ll either have to read your offer and sign up or close the tab. 

2. Personalize your marketing materials

Data has shown that 76% of customers prefer purchasing from companies that personalize their marketing. Furthermore, 78% reported they’d also be more willing to become repeat buyers.

You can start by personalizing your paid search ads, landing pages, and CTAs.

While doing this seems complex, it’s easier than you think. You can simply create a version of the page or CTA for a specific ad group, and make small changes to the copy to reflect the needs of the target audience. 

3. Fine-tune your CTAs through A/B testing

Regardless of whether you want a visitor to subscribe to a newsletter or download a product demo, you need to make sure that you get it right. The best way to do it is with A/B testing.

What you’ll do is compare different variations of the CTA to see which one is more effective - maybe your target audience will respond better to hyperlink text or prefer the simplicity of a button. 

4. Target keywords with higher buyer intent

Even though an ad campaign that manages to send a large number of visitors who sign up for a newsletter or something else is effective, the numbers may be misleading. You should also think about how many people end up converting into long-term customers.

For instance, an ad campaign could have a 20% signup conversion rate, but if only a few of those customers make a purchase, the ad isn’t particularly effective. On the other hand, an ad with a low signup rate may be more effective at generating high-quality leads.

For more effective targeting, try using keywords with high buyer intent which indicate users are more inclined to make a purchase.

5. Leverage user-generated content

Materials like product reviews and user-generated images are highly valuable marketing resources you get for free. In addition, since this content was created by real people, it can do wonders for the authenticity of your brand. 

Don’t know how to start?

Well, look at your reviews. If they’re overwhelmingly positive, feel free to put them front and center on your website. A word of recommendation from an actual person will encourage visitors to make a purchase and boost your brand impression. 

Sky's the limit

Now that you know the basics of how to collect business leads, you can start taking a more effective approach to your lead generation efforts. Feel free to employ any of these techniques as you please, as long as your main focus stays on quality rather than just sheer numbers. 

In the event that doesn’t help and you feel as if you don’t have the time or the resources to take a different approach, there’s no shame in outsourcing. 

Aspen Media
can help you implement all the techniques mentioned here, as well as put together a data-driven lead generation strategy tailored to your needs and budget. 

We have over thirty years of experience in lead generation, and we’re always happy to share this expertise with thriving businesses. We have earned our reputation as a leading customer solutions company, dedicated to providing information and analysis needed to make the best possible strategic decisions - at an affordable price. 

Contact Aspen Media at 800-853-2240 or
fill out our contact form and let the pros provide you with a steady stream of qualified leads.


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